Just a Few of Many

Mikey Pro
If you want to know more about your animals…ask June. I was blown away by how accurate she was when it came to my pony Mikey. It really got me when she told me i was his 4th owner….I had to think about that…and YES she was absolutely right! June was also very accurate when it came to my other horses stiffness and soreness….my equine Chiropractor was astonished on how June knew where “Coosa” was sore.
Her comment, “wow she’s good”. A fun and accurate way to better connect with your beloved animals!
Marie, Brownsville, Ontario
June read Blaze and shared information that only he and I knew about, a certain spot on the farm that he spooked at regularly and why he spooked at this location. Information on an old injury and how to help him heal. She caught his personality at the time and captured the horse and partner that he would become. After years of looking I found “not the horse I was looking for but the horse that I needed.” these were his words. After June talked to Blaze our communication developed much faster. June has helped us both to heal from personal injuries from the past. We had many the same issues to work through… She was able to comment on my sitting too far back in the saddle causing him discomfort and my balance to be off… something that I have worked on and has helped greatly. The information given to me has made me a better horse person and my relationship with Blaze has opened to a much higher level. I was able to see some of our stuff from another angle which creates an open field for growth. Animals are spiritual beings, June is able to relate to this and bring back to us what are animals are trying to teach us.
Kathie, Hamilton
June’s ability to communicate with my animal companions has made such a difference to my relationships with them. She’s helped to strengthen the bonds of trust I have with my companions, and I understand them much better. People who meet my horse or my dog always comment on how happy and confident they are, and what a wonderful relationship I have with them. Thanks, June!
C Ptatschek Kitchener, ON

June is a phenomenal animal communicator. Just recently I asked June some questions about Shooz’s health. She is being treated for cancer. June made a comment about how Shooz thinks it’s a holiday whenever I put on my hat. I had to laugh. Whenever the dogs go for a walk, I always wear a hat. Shooz goes crazy as soon as she’s sees me with my hat on. During the walk, in a certain location, I send Demi and Shooz running around the trees. They have made actual paths from doing this. Since Shooz has been getting chemo, she has stopped running with Demi. Shooz told June about running these paths and didn’t think she should be doing them anymore. June told her if she wanted to, she certainly could. Since then, Shooz has started to run some of the tracks again. June was aware that Demi had cataracts and was going to be scheduled for cataract surgery but didn’t know the date of the surgery. The day of the surgery after I got home, I checked my email. To my surprise, June emailed me earlier in the day and said that Demi had come to her the day before and the same day of the surgery asking questions about what was being done to her. June explained to Demi what was going to be done. June has helped put me at ease whenever I have concerns about my dogs or I need to tell them something. Her accuracy of each dog’s personality never ceases to amaze me.
Petra Norfolk County, Ontario

Harley & Toby
“To say I was pleased with my reading from June would be to minimalize June’s great gift to be able to talk to the animals! Not only was she able to convey things to me which no one else could have known about my two dogs (except those who are around them all the time) but she was able to help me better understand their needs, what makes each one feel secure and what will help my sweet, fearful boy cope better with people. Thank you June for truly being able to speak with my lovely dogs and help me to understand their past and how to make them truly happy today, tomorrow and forever”.
I’ve spent many years searching for someone who can help me connect better with my companions. I’ve tried a lot of other communicators who simply told me what I wanted to hear. But in June I’ve found someone who was truly able to connect with animals. June has an excellent feel for the animals she communicates with an is able to convey my companions’ messages in a way that I can easily understand. Even when interpreting their messages is difficult, June continues to explore what the animal is telling her and stays in communication with me as we work out what my animals are trying to tell me. I’ve seen so many positive changes coming out of the communications June has had with my companions, and I appreciate all the time June has spent working with them.
SC Ptatschek Kitchener, ON
I am so grateful that I have found June. She has given me a better understanding of my animal companions feelings and what I can do to help them overcome their traumatic past. Without her we would still be at step one, confused and unhappy. Together we all have learned to leave the past behind and look forward to the future.
Bev Ryan St Jacob’s

Tess & Clancey
“Having a background in science, I had always been skeptical about animal communication. When two of my geriatric animal companions developed problems that resisted conventional and holistic treatment, I turned to June in desperation to try to get some ideas that could help them. I was not disappointed. June’s patient, caring and thorough explanations brought to light new factors that have helped them to feel better. Four of my animal companions have now talked with June, and each time I am amazed by the accuracy of details and thankful for the insight June has provided for me.”
Judy, Hillsburgh, ON